Fectfinder welcomes Esther Van Rossum

Yeah, I joined the Fectfinder Crew!!

After two, for me, physically challenging years it’s time to start the brain working again. Adding, my almost 10 years of experience as a FEC/KYC/CDD professional and 30 years working experience, to the already excisting 70 years experience within the Fectfinder corporation. I see it as an honor to work for people for whom the words “inclusion” and “ responsible entrepreneurship” are not a hype or an empty shell.

The founding crew members envision a society without financial economic crime and therefore created the Fectfinder platform. This Technology One modular AI-based platform integrates risk assessment, CDD and transaction monitoring.

To help shape the company they envision, I recently started the proceedings for the ISO 27001 certification of Fectfinder and I participate in the discussions about the CDD items that have to be covered by the Fectfinder platform. To me this is not a job, it’s a challenge!

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